Alcohol in pregnancy can cause a lifetime of problems for you and your child. No matter how small the amount of alcohol consumed, there is a great risk of harming your unborn baby. Stay aware. Stay away from alcohol.
Women who are pregnant, or who are considering pregnancy, should be advised not to consume any alcohol: BMA Report, 2007.
Alcohol in pregnancy can cause a lifetime of problems for you and your child. No matter how small the amount of alcohol consumed, there is a great risk of harming your unborn baby.
Stay aware. Stay away from alcohol.
A Preventable Tragedy
Foetal Alcohol Syndrome is the biggest cause of non-genetic mental handicap in the western world and the only one that is 100% preventable. Click HERE to access much more information.
Mission Statement
FASawareUK believes that all people should have access to information, advice and guidance to make informed choices about the effects of alcohol during pregnancy and the detrimental impact on the adults and children throughout their lives.
Through awareness raising, training, campaigning and facilitating support networks, FasawareUK will seek to address these issued in a supportive and practical way.
Thank You
FASAwareUK would like to thank the following for their loyal and continued support: Teresa Kellerman, Ann Gibson, Saskatchewan Institute on Prevention of Handicaps, Wunderman, Steven Aspey, CVS West Lancashire, Modem Media, Chris Catchpole & Friends, Pregnacare, CVS Wigan & Leigh